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Electrification 101: a Community Presentation About Efficient Home Electrification

ElectrifyPDX and our partner org Electrify Now provide education and resources to the community about efficient electrification and clean renewable energy. As part of our mission, we provide free community presentations to groups such as neighborhood associations, faith communities, student groups, happy hours, house parties, and employee groups.

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Join us to learn about the many advantages of electrifying your home, from reducing your household emissions to saving money on your energy bills. Get insights and practical tips on how to upgrade your home’s heating, cooling, and appliances, what incentives are available, and how to clean up your electric supply. Whether you’re a homeowner or a renter, you’ll leave with a clear understanding of how electrification can make your home more comfortable, efficient, and environmentally-friendly. We’ll also be ready to answer your electrification questions. We can all help accelerate the transition to clean energy and a sustainable future by electrifying our homes. Join Electrify Now and ElectrifyPDX for Electrification 101, and learn how to power your home with clean energy.

Run of Show

We are happy to provide a shorter version of our presentation that is less technical, highlighting the benefits and basic how-to’s of electrification. This 10-20-minute presentation is perfect for neighborhood association meetings, community gatherings with multiple speakers, etc. We can also make ourselves available to table, answer questions and handout materials before or after our presentation.

We also offer a 60-90 minute event that includes presentations and Q&A: 

  • We begin with our 40-minute Electrification 101 presentation, typically presented by Brian Stewart from Electrify Now.
  • This is followed by a short 5-minute presentation about the ElectrifyPDX home certification and yard sign program
  • If possible, we love to have our host recruit a local homeowner who has electrified their home to give a short 5-10 minute talk about their experience. 
  • Then we do a Q&A so folks can ask follow-up questions.


  • Presentations may be held in person or via Zoom.
  • We can present in a space provided by our host, or can work with you to source/arrange an event space.
  • We can provide a screen and projector if needed.
  • We typically prefer to present to a minimum of 30 people.

To inquire or book a presentation, please fill out this contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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