February 2023 Newsletter

Feb 24, 2023


We hope your 2023 is off to a great start. A warm welcome to all of the folks who have recently started down the path towards a 100% clean, renewable electric home! Below you’ll find some great tips about how to switch to renewable electricity, info about an upcoming free webinar, and an invite to our March 1st social hour. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out with your electrification questions.

— Eli, Noelle, Shannon, and the rest of the ElectrifyPDX team

Share your story!

We are launching a campaign to highlight neighbors on the path towards renewable electric homes. We’ll pair photos with quick blurbs from ElectrifyPDX participants to use in our newsletter and on social media, to inspire more folks to start the process. We’d love your help!

Email shannon@electrifypdx.org to share your story and picture, or upload it using our handy online form


Introducing Shannon, our new Program Manager

We are happy to announce that we’ve hired a Program Manager for the ElectrifyPDX program. Shannon Wilson has helped myriad local non-profits as a project manager and designer, and now she has joined the team to help with outreach, communications and logistics. We are really thrilled to have her help, and are excited to expand and grow ElectrifyPDX over the next year.


Upcoming Events:


Join us for our upcoming social hour!

Wednesday, March 1st | 5:30-7:30pm | Baerlic Brewing SE

Come down to Baerlic Brewing (2239 SE 11th Ave) for our first social hour of 2023. Bring questions, enthusiasm and an appetite (they serve Ranch Pizza!). We’ll share updates on incentives and our latest grant, hand out signs and flyers, and assemble welcome packets. Shannon, our new Program Manager, is excited to see all of you!


Free Webinar: HVAC of the Future

Wednesday, February 22nd 12:00 – 1:00pm

The process of converting an existing home to all-electric appliances or installing solar panels or EV charging can seem daunting, but some HVAC contractors are rising to this challenge by offering comprehensive services that blur the lines between typical HVAC, plumbing, and electrical contractors.

Learn how integrating these services can save homeowners time and money and help them prioritize and sequence their spending for maximum benefit.

Register now


Getting your electricity from renewable sources is probably easier than you think

By far the easiest and least expensive badge to earn in the ElectrifyPDX program is the one for getting your electricity from renewable sources. If you haven’t done so already, it’ll probably take less than half an hour—and will ultimately reduce your electric bill.

Enroll in Community Solar

The Oregon Community Solar program gives you a new option to receive utility bill credits in exchange for buying or leasing part of a community solar project. Fill out a short on-line form, upload a copy of your electric bill or type in the account number, and that’s it! You can probably do this in under 10 min. When the solar farm is up and running, your home’s electricity will come from that farm and your electric bill will go down by 5% (or ~30% for low/mod income participants!).

Sign up for your electric utility’s green power program

Both PGE and Pacific Power offer green power programs, where you pay a little extra each month to get clean electricity instead of their standard blend that includes 40% – 60% electricity generated by burning fossil fuels. Their enrollment forms are super simple, and you can start or stop participation at any time.

There’s more! Read the full post on our blog

PCEF grant will provide free program participation for low/moderate income Portlanders

We are excited to announce that we recently got a mini-grant from the Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund (PCEF), which provides dedicated funding for climate action that advances racial and social justice. This will allow us to share the benefits of the ElectrifyPDX program free of charge to low and moderate income households.


Join our Facebook group for answers, news and resources

Have a question about electrification? Ask our Facebook group! We have an active community that’s happy to share resources, answer questions, and pass on news and updates.

Join the group today

Invite ElectrifyPDX to come speak to your group, organization or company

We are always looking for groups to speak with, so we can spread the word about the benefits of electrification! If your church group, employer, non-profit org, trade group, etc. would be interested in hearing us speak, please email shannon@electrifypdx.org!