ElectrifyPDX Program Manager Contract Position
Contract Opening: Program Manager
Status: Part-time contract position, flexible/variable hours (~20/week): $22-$30/hr
Deadline: January 17, 2022.
Contract length: Initial two-month trial period starting as early as January, 2023; then one year, renewable.
About: ElectrifyPDX is a five-year campaign to shift consumer preference toward clean, renewable electric homes through peer-peer influence and support. The project is sponsored by the Portland-based non-profit, Families for Climate to help Portlanders of all incomes take climate action at home by shifting to renewable electricity. Program design began in May ’22; it launched in fall ’22; and over 40 participants have signed up, including renters and single family, multi-family and mobile-home owners. Signage is available in English & Spanish. This has been an all-volunteer effort to date and we’re excited to bring on staff to grow the program exponentially.
Program Goals: Educate & inspire Portlanders to power their homes with renewable electricity for comfort, health(air quality), reduced utility bills, and our climate.
Educate: We share information on the benefits of electrification, incentives to help cover costs, contractor references, and answers to technical electrification questions five ways: the ElectrifyPDX.org website, @ElectrifyPDX on Instagram, a quarterly newsletter, moderating an ElectrifyPDX Facebook group, and through presentations to groups.
Illuminate: Snappy in-process signs with adhesive badges bring visibility to electrification efforts that are otherwise invisible from the street. Upon completion, participants receive certification plaques, recognizing local leaders who have transitioned their homes to 100% renewable electricity.
Inspire: Updating home energy systems can be a daunting enterprise. People are more likely to take action when they’re part of a team. ElectrifyPDX highlights the power of collective action for not just personal comfort, health & savings, but also the societal benefits of reduced GHG emissions. Program participants naturally become ambassadors for home electrification, inspiring their circles of friends.
Contract Program Manager Responsibilities will include some combination of the following:
- Design and maintain a social media campaign to drive traffic to ElectrifyPDX.org and enroll in our certification program.
- Ensure that at least one short post with a photo of a program participant is published through social media channels and ElectrifyPDX blog weekly (interview and write it up, or request submissions from participants);
- Present to community groups, nonprofits, and other organizations to build awareness of the ElectrifyPDX program, especially organizations working with low/moderate income residents, connecting them with information about community solar, rebates, incentives & programs; Arrange volunteers to table at events, such as Sunday Parkways;
- Develop a campaign toolkit (flyers, materials and a comms package) empowering volunteers, allied organizations, and trade partners (e.g. HVAC subcontractors, Community Solar developers, green builders, …) to share program information, register participants, and distribute home signs;
- Pitch stories to media organizations (TV, newspaper, radio…) and field interview requests;
- Assemble welcome packets and arrange for distribution to homes (typically by pick-up or hand-delivered by volunteers), track inventory of signs and literature;
- Translate (or arrange for translation) materials into Spanish; and
- Maintain the ElectrifyPDX database & website (add participant profiles, links to information on electrical options, updating the list of trade partners…);
Key Qualifications & Experience: If there are qualifications you don’t yet have training in — please apply, we are looking to find the right fit, so we can grow together.
- Excellent communication skills and ability to engage many audiences — specifically racially, ethnically, and socioeconomically diverse communities; multilingual and multicultural preferred.
- Commitment to ElectrifyPDX’s mission, with an appreciation for the role of community organizing in promoting electrification and BIPOC-centered movement building.
- Strong time management and organizational skills including experience overseeing and managing multiple projects with competing deadlines.
- Experience with social media, writing blog posts, e-mail, word processing, spreadsheets and WordPress (or other platform, transferable skills)
Preferred but not required:
- Spanish fluency
- Basic graphic design skills (i.e. Canva)
To apply, please submit a resume and a cover letter to info@electrifypdx.org that responds to these questions:
- What excites you most about ElectrifyPDX’s mission? (see website)
- Please share some of your skills and experiences (personal and professional) that would contribute to your success in this work?
- If you currently maintain social media channels or a website, please share the link.